Fountain of Neptune 海神喷泉 ; 喷泉 ; 海神与章鱼格斗
Sailor Neptune 海王满 ; 水手海王星 ; 海王星 ; 海王美智留
Neptune Orient Lines 海皇轮船有限公司 ; 海皇轮船 ; 东方海皇集团 ; 新加坡东方海皇集团
Neptune Pool 海神泳池 ; 海神池 ; 池畔边慵懒的早午餐 ; 海王星泳池
Neptune Logistics 大洋物流 ; 铁洋物流 ; 物流有限公司 ; 深圳大洋
Neptune Fountain 海神喷泉 ; 海王星喷泉
KING NEPTUNE 海神的故事 ; 海神尼普顿
The Neptune 海王星 ; 其中一艘名为海神号
以上来源于: WordNet
N the Roman god of the sea (古罗马神话中的)海神尼普顿 (Greek counterpart Poseidon)
N the eighth planet from the sun, having eight satellites, the largest being Triton and Nereid, and a faint planar system of rings or ring fragments. Mean distance from sun: 4497 million km; period of revolution around sun: 164.8 years; period of rotation: 14 to 16 hours; diameter and mass: 4.0 and 17.2 times that of earth respectively 海王星
Scientists laboured for months to unravel the mysteries of Neptune and still remain baffled.
The large amount of methane contained in the atmosphere surrounding Neptune stained it blue.
After that, Jupiter and Neptune will not meet again until 2022, but when they do meet then, it will not be in Aquarius.
Small changes in the movement of Neptune led several astronomers to believe that an undiscovered planet was affecting Neptune's orbit.
VOA: special.2010.07.11
And Neptune with a Trident is helping lay the trans-Atlantic cable which was just being laid when he was painting this."
VOA: special.2010.01.27
Earlier this month, on July twelfth, Neptune reached the same area in the sky that it occupied when it was first observed by Johann Galle.
VOA: special.2011.07.27